With more than 30 years of experience in providing wastewater and stormwater compliance, engineering evaluations, soil and groundwater remediation design and water sustainability-related projects to industrial clients with unique and varied businesses like yours, we are experts in helping businesses comply with the ever-changing regulatory requirements under complex business environments.  We provide general consulting and training that will assist you in complying with these complex environmental requirements.

Group of individual having a business meeting outsideGeneral Consulting

Regulatory Requirements Review and Recommendations

We’ll assess your current business operations, both currently and future, and help you navigate the complex regulatory requirements for all aspects of your operations.  We will provide a recommendation plan that can be shared with all levels of management that will include the requirements, the associate timeline for meeting the requirement, and the estimated costs to obtain each approval.  This recommendation plan will be the first step in developing the critical path items so that your business is unaffected by regulatory delays.

Implementation Support

We will work with you in implementing the various regulatory requirements for your particular business.  There are many aspects of a business that require extensive reporting and regulatory compliance.  We will help you navigate through the implementation piece.

Ongoing Operational Support

Our engagement doesn’t end when you have started the implementation process.  We offer ongoing operational support for your business operations. We can take the lead in all the required environmental reporting, inspections, and sampling.


Training Requirements Review

We’ll help you evaluate each of your regulatory programs and the ones that require training.  Some of the training is required by regulation and some are based on best practices.  We will recommend the ones that are driven by which and recommend what types of training would fit best with your facility, employee type (full, part-time, or contractor), business practices, and operations.  This is a needed first step in developing a training program that is best for you.

Individual taking notes at business meeting

Training Presentation Preparations

We’ll handle all the details in developing the training presentation that best meets the regulatory and best practices requirements.  The length and complexity will be based on your audience, the length of training, and the facility requirements.  We will provide helpful notes so that one of your facility staff can present the materials, with our on-going support up to and including the day of presentation.  In addition to preparation, we will provide recommendations regarding record-keeping requirements of the training presentation and attendance records.

Training Services

Alternately, we can provide the training to you and your employees on the regulatory-required or best-practices required intervals.  The training can be provided during one day for all employees or over several days to capture different shifts.  Whatever your situation, we can get all of your employees trained as efficiently as possible.